The XA GT is the first Opal Series Ford from Trax – and it’s a pretty good subject that looks nice and appears to be selling fast.
My XAs (I purchased both colours, which is unusual for me as I usually only purchase one of each new release) arrived safe and well, but I read on the Trax / Top Gear forums that several collectors had their XAs delivered with bits torn off, such as wheels and windscreen wipers.
Dimensionally, the Trax XAs measure up pretty good against published specifications of the 1:1 car. Overall width, height and rear track settings are within a millimetre or thereabouts. However, again, the overall height of the model is excessive.
Credit where credit is due, the wheel decoration is brilliant (but no red line on the tyre sidewalls) and Trax has *finally* done away with those weird looking injection moulded “pupils” on their headlights (although there is still evidence of the attachment at the base of the headlight lens).

wixy500 rating
- Collectability – 4.8
- Finish – 4.4
- Accuracy – 4
- Value – 4
- Overall – 4.3