With factories going bust in China (or whatever the reason was), there has not been much in the way of 1:43 V8 Supercar models for the past couple of years.
Well, that’s all changed in 2016!
Both Apex and Biante have been busy churning out multiple releases over the past 6 months or so.
Apex Vs Biante
The models from both manufacturers are, generally, pretty darn good.
One could argue the Apex models are a little more refined and detailed, however several of the pieces I’ve bought are let down by quality control issues – mostly sloppy decal placement and detail painting compared to Biante.
A few points:
- The fluro wheels on the HRT cars are not glossy enough. In fact, they almost look translucent.
- Despite being sealed bodies, both brands have impressive interior detail
- The Biantes were consistently good from a QC perspective
- Tyres on the Biantes look a bit too big in the sidewall
Considering the positives and negatives of each, I’d say, overall, they’re fairly much on par with each other. If forced to pick a winner though, it would be Biante – good, consistent, clean models at a far better price point (like, about $30 better!).