Note: seems I forgot to publish this review when I wrote it about 6+ months ago…
Classics Carlectables FG Falcons from 2014
These are par-for-the-course V8Supercars from Classic Carlectables; sealed body with no interior. Lots of collectors don’t like them because of that, but at $39, I don’t mind too much.
The livery is complex decalling, so the finish is not particularly glossy (Edit: a quick run over with a soft cloth does improve the finish quite a bit – both models had some weird residue all over them).
Packaging is cheap and basic, but because there is no display plinth, the model is held in place by vac-form inserts, and these have scuffed and damaged decals on both models – Grrrr!
Apart from some sponsor logo differences, fuel filler location and roof aerials, the two models are essentially the same.
The Mostert/Morris #6 will go on the Bathurst Winners shelf, while Frosty’s #5 will go in the Touring Cars cabinet.