If only we could have the standard Spark plinth utilise the Minichamps stackable case…
I like the way Spark models have a rather straightforward display plinth – model neatly aligned with driver/car details printed alongside. I don’t like the card outer sleeve or that stickers are used to hold the clear display case on the plinth. I would prefer the cases were stackable, interlocking like the Minichamps ones do.
I like the way Minichamps cases can be stacked vertically (impressively high if need be!) without risk of them slipping off. I am not a fan of the inlay card as I feel in many cases it takes attention away from the model. I would prefer to see a more uncluttered base with the model not angled.
In the past, when displaying models in my collection, I have removed the model from it’s plinth and placed it directly on glass shelving in the cabinet with a small handwritten label to identify the car/driver/year. The empty packaging would then be packed into boxes and placed into storage.
Having moved house a year ago, and now finally looking to unpack and display the collection again, I’m toying with the idea of leaving models attached to their bases. That way, it’s easy to re-arrange the collection without handling the models themselves, and people can take a closer look (well, those privileged with permission to touch!) because they can handle the plinth, not the model.
I’d be interested to know the thoughts and opinions of other collectors.