Spark will produce Alan Jones’ World Championship winning Williams FW07B from 1980 in 1:18 scale.
This is the first time this car has been modeled in 1:18 and should prove to be very popular. In fact, even though I’m not a 1:18 collector, there’s a real chance this one might end up in my display cabinet!
Williams changed the specification of the FW07B throughout the year (different wing mounting post, sidepod shape, front wheel size and rim style, with and without front wings, plus the usual decoration changes that can happen from race to race). I’m hoping Spark do a version such as the one illustrated below:

I also hope Spark will do a 1:43 version.
Minichamps has already modeled it in 1:43 (pretty much all in plastic, not diecast), but it’s not a particularly great model in my opinion. It was made with removable bodywork which, when fitted, just doesn’t look right.
Pretty much all of the kit companies (Tameo, Western, SRC, Hi-Fi etc) have done this car in varying degrees of quality.
Toy companies such as Polistil and Yaxon have also had a crack at it and Scalextric did a (pretty decent for the time) slot car in 1/32 scale.