Oh yeah, this is gonna be popular…
Apex Replicas has revealed photos of the 1:18 prototype for the 1998 Bathurst winning EL Falcon of Jason Bright & Steven Richards.
With factories going bust in China (or whatever the reason was), there has not been much in the way of 1:43 V8 Supercar models for …
Oh yeah, this is gonna be popular…
Apex Replicas has revealed photos of the 1:18 prototype for the 1998 Bathurst winning EL Falcon of Jason Bright & Steven Richards.
The latest Biante newsletter once again has some great models listed, but nothing of significance for 1:43 collectors. The highlight is the Enzed sponsored VK …
These three early Classic Carlectable “bricks” (as they are often referred to due to their basic nature) were not going into my display cabinet until …